
Privacy Policy

The below sets forth our privacy commitment to you and outlines how we collect and use your information, how we protect it, and who can see it. For full details, please read the entire Privacy Policy below.

Your information will not be sold to third parties. We require all third parties who perform services for us to safeguard any customer information and they may only use it in connection with performing those services. We take your privacy seriously and take extra measure to secure and limit access to your information. This includes protecting information for potential, current, and former policyholders. All information we collect that is non-public personally identifiable information (termed “information”) is information that identifies you and is not available to the general public. The following paragraphs will further detail how and when we collect your information.

Information we obtain from you:

During the application, quoting, or claims processes you may give us information such as your:

Name, Address, Phone number, & Email address
Alphacom may use an email address you provide us from time to time to notify you of such things as new services, special offers, confirmation of transactions, or assisting you with the completion of a quote. You may select the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any Alphacom email you receive to opt-out of these communications. If you electronically signed our marketing offer notice and provided us with a phone number, Alphacom may use that phone number to notify you of such things as new services, special offers, or confirmation of transactions. Alphacom may also leave a message (either pre-recorded or live) on any number you provide us.

How to opt out:

Customers and visitors may elect to stop receiving mobile SMS or voice messaging from us by sending an “opt-out” request to []

What we disclose:

We will only disclose information about current or former customers as permitted or required by law. Any information that we have about you is maintained in your policy and/or claims records.

We use this information to enable us to process and service your policy; in order to settle claims with your consent or as directed by you. We may also disclose it to organizations or persons that are necessary to perform transactions you request or authorize. We safeguard information about former customers and individuals who’ve received quotes from us to the same extent as we safeguard information about our current policy holders.

Some examples of how we may disclose information:

Exchanging information about you with our agents, appraisers, attorneys, service providers, or other persons who are or will become involved in processing your application and servicing your policy including any claims you may make.

When you make or are involved in a claim, policy information is provided to adjusters and businesses involved in the repair your systems.

If we have determined a need to perform a business, professional or insurance function, we may share information with certain organizations or persons for these purposes. These needs include entities, such as businesses, that help us with administrative functions. If the appropriate state law permits, we may share information with institutions with which we have a joint marketing agreement. All of these entities are obligated to keep information we provide confidential, and only use the information for purposes for which the information was provided.

Organizations conducting actuarial research or audits may receive information from us. For these cases, you will not be individually identified in any research report and the organizations must agree to not re-disclose the information. The information will be returned to us or destroyed when no longer needed.

Confidentiality and security:

Internally, we restrict access to your information to employees who we have determined have a need for the information in order for them to provide products and services to you. Our employees are trained to safeguard customer information, and we require them to sign confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements. We maintain safeguards, including physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your information from unauthorized access by third parties.

Using or contacting this site in order to disrupt or damage the site, its contents, security information, Alphacom operations, or to harass or disparage Alphacom or its clients or their respective products or services or personnel is strictly prohibited.

Unsolicited email (spam) may not be directed to or through this site.

Additional information for users of our website:

We are always improving our website and evaluate and are interested in how visitors use our website, they’re preferences in using the website, and where they encounter issues. We may collect data on the navigation of users of our site in order to make our website an easy and convenient place to conduct business. Our tools may collect data such as the browser a person uses are which pages are most popular.

We employ the use of cookies to improve your experience while using our website. Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer. Cookies do not contain personally identifiable information about you.

They help us personalize your experience when you return to our website, and they are required for certain portions of our website. The majority of browsers allow you to determine whether or not you accept cookies, including ours. If you elect not to use cookies, certain website features will not work for you such as the “remember me” function that allows our policy users store their User ID so that you won’t have to input that User ID every time you log in from the same computer.

We may place small elements of computer code (embedded objects) on our pages to aid our advertising partners count the number of customers they have referred to our site. We may use these objects to further count how many of those referred customers actually elect to and receive a rate quotation. We may also use objects placed on other sites to monitor your exposure to our advertising or other offers online. These objects do not collect any personally identifiable information about you.

We work with marketing consultants who help us maintain and analyze our data, allowing us to better optimize our marketing efforts. They may employ the use of cookies or web beacons to collect information about you. This is in order to provide you with information via email or direct mail regarding products and services that might be of interest to you. By contacting us to opt out, you can choose not to have this information used by our trusted third-party advertising partners.

We also provide some links to third-party websites which are not owned by Alphacom. Alphacom does not have control over their privacy practices and procedures and assumes no responsibility in connection with your use of their websites. We suggest that you check the Privacy Policy of any website before you provide any personally identifiable information.

If you have privacy or security concerns:

If you have a concern about privacy or security at Alphacom, we want to hear about it. Email us at []